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4-H is a hands-on learning and service organization that is delivered by the LSU Cooperative Extension whereby students pursue interests and join competitions for various skills. Students from all grades at Galvez Middle may join 4-H.  

For more information about 4-H, please contact Stacey Youngblood.

Photo of Rylie Causey posing with her winning cookie of baby and 4 colors
3 4H students holding orange ribbons for anti-bullying week
11 Entries for 4H Pumpkin Decorating Contest sitting on a table
4 4H members posing for a photo
4H sponsor Stacey Youngblood (right) poses with a member's mom (left)
29 4H members posing for photo wearing 4H shirts


I hereby declare that I shall always strive to be honest and truthful at all times, to maintain a credible scholastic record,
National Junior Beta Club Logo

National Junior Beta Club

Motto: "Let us lead by serving others"

Junior Beta Club is an organization that promotes high standards in academics, character, leadership, and service.  Students are invited to join Jr. Beta Club based on their GPA and must maintain the minimum GPA of 3.33 with no "C's." 

For more information about Beta, please contact Karesa Aguillard.

Photo of 6 Beta Students collaborating on an assignment
6 BETA members pose for pic
Student prepares vehicle for rubber band car race as 8 others look on

Club Day

Every month on early dismissal day, students enjoy Club Day.  At the beginning of the school year,  students sign up for 3 clubs. Every month on Club Day, they attend the sessions for their 3 clubs. 



Student prepares to race rubber band car while partner looks on. Other team of 2 discussing their car in the background