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New Book Collection


Teacher's Book Review

Number the Stars Book Cover
Number the Stars by lois lowry

"This is a beautifully written book based on the German occupation in Denmark back in 1940’s. The story centers around a girl named Annemarie, who was brave, reliable and have a strong faith in her family. Her family is so important to her and she would do anything to protect them. Life during that time was so difficult because there was no freedom and they lived under the rule of the German government. They couldn’t enjoy and live a normal life because they are being watched by the soldiers all the time. People couldn’t make choices for themselves. They all lived in fear. But Annemarie showed courage in the midst of chaos and helped her friend’s family to be safe. After two years, Denmark achieved the freedom it has longed for and people started to live a peaceful life". 

"Young girls can relate to Annemarie and will be an inspiration to be like her. If you like to read a book about courage, bravery, determination and confidence, this book is for you". - Mrs. Cabigting, Sped Teacher


Student's Book Review
Pillage Book Cover
Pillage by obert skye

"I think you should read this book because Pillage has a lot of plot twists. Pillage is about a boy who has to go live with his mysterious uncle he never knew he had. Once he discovers something, more questions pop up. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "I shouldn't have said it, but the word slipped out of my mouth as easy as air". - Ava, 8th Grade