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clipart of black pirate ship with vertical GMS in green to the left of ship


Pirate Library pics






Students may have up to two books checked out at a time. 

Books are checked out for a period of three weeks. 

There is no fine for books turned in late, but students must pay for any books not turned in by the end of the school year.  They are considered "lost" and the student will be fined the price of the book. 

Overdue notices are emailed on a weekly basis to students' emails as a reminder to return the book as soon as the student finishes with it. This prevents students from forgetting that they have a book checked out. It is not a notice of a fine.  Fines are only charged at the end of the year for books that have not been returned by mid-May.

Students may visit the library before school, after lunch, and during class with teacher permission. 

First page of the PDF file: LibraryExpectations1_5


Meet our Library Staff

Cathy pic 2

Cathy Town, Librarian and Technology SYS-OP

Becca pic

Rebecca Rock, Library Clerk

Library Student Workers

Library Workers picture 2